Payment Policy

What payment methods can I use with PayPal?
You don’t need to have money in your PayPal account to send a payment. You can send money directly from a credit card, or a debit card.

You can use any of these methods to send payments:

PayPal account balance

  • Your PayPal account balance is the first payment method that we use when you make a payment.
  • Your payment occurs immediately.

Credit or debit card

Here's how to change your preferred payment method:

  • Click Wallet.
  • Click the preferred payment method.
  • Click Set as preferred.

Changing your preferred payment method won’t affect automatic payments. You can update your payment preference directly on the automatic payment.

What is Venmo and how does it work?
Venmo is a social payments service to make and share payments with friends, family, and businesses in the United States. It’s like PayPal but is unique in that, on Venmo, you can share and like payments through a social feed.

Use Venmo to:

  • Send and receive payments with your email or phone number by using your US bank, debit/credit card, or Venmo balance as the payment method
  • Transfer money to and from your bank account
  • Make purchases with your Venmo Debit Card or Venmo Credit Card
  • Pay using QR codes in store or on authorized partner apps or mobile websites
  • PayPal merchants will have an expanded consumer audience in the US as customers can now use their Venmo accounts to make purchases during a mobile PayPal checkout. Merchants’ fees and protections will remain consistent with their PayPal payments, and you don’t have to do anything to complete this inUse Venmo to:tegration.




412 S Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90013, United States

+1 (651) 691-7422

9am - 5pm EST Monday to Friday